I don't know how to blog - so please don't judge me anymore than I deserve. I say some pretty ridiculous things, mostly because I don't really think before speaking, but whaddyagonnado.
I decided to start this MOSTLY because I have a desire to rant against all things all the time. So instead of constantly annoying my friends with my annoying rants, I'm gonna put them here.
The title of this blog is in regards to the fact that I have finished law school and after being in school for ALL of my life, I am now stuck waiting. I hate the waiting game. But I also hate losing. So I am waiting and waiting for the following things: my dream job and to find out if I passed the bar exam.
Dream Job = Assistant DA at the Suffolk County (MA) DAs Office. Likelihood of getting the job - seemingly good, I did give them 2 years of my life for free. Though WHEN they will hire, who the hell knows...
Bar Exam = I AM SO NERVOUS. Biggest test I have ever taken, and I STILL have to wait a month to find out the results. CT and RI recently got their results, and it is just making me even more anxious. What if I didn't pass? Will I take it again? I don't know...I don't think I could afford to. I could barely afford to take it the first time! Plus, what it will do to my ego if I fail will be an awful sight to see. My boyfriend has this unerring faith that I passed (which might have a little more to do with the he-doesn't-want-me-all-crazy-like type of feeling, but who knows). I, however, have no freakin clue.
This was not much of a rant, but as I said, I'm just starting. Maybe I might even get funny soon.